Saturday, August 15, 2015

Take a look...

Ok! Official Force Awakens Lego pics!

Rey's Speeder: not a bad set. I'm pretty sure it's $20 and I'm not sure it's worth that, but it's a decent vehicle and you get the main character with a cool looking bad guy. I did expect BB-8 to be included, and I'm disappointed that he's not and therefore will be expensive, but it is what it is.
Man, this thing is gorgeous. This TIE Fighter is my favorite thing from this wave (partly because I wondered if we would ever get a non-grey TIE). My only disappointment is that they didn't use the rods on the radiation panels like they did on the 2012 one. I can't quite tell how much I like the new pilot helmets, but at least they seem not to have a gap at the back for the head to show through. The inclusion of the officer and the...other guy is nice, if highly reminiscent of the 2012 set. So far, this is the only definite buy for me.
Just what I always wanted, a land sub! Seriously, this thing is bizarre. I do like the FO figs, but the good guys are terribly generic looking. This is a maybe, largely because of Capt. Phasma tempting me.
Oh, boy. We actually got a crappy leak of this one back in May, and it did not get me excited. I have to say these new pics aren't doing the job either. The big problem here is really the source material; it's such a phoned-in designed. On top of that, it's awkward as hell, with the "wings" being so damned tall with such a short fuselage. The landing mode actually looks quite a bit nicer because of this. However, someone online reminded me that in the trailers/posters this thing's wings angle down to produce more a a V silhouette; there is no indication that the set can do this. Even Rilo Kiley himself doesn't look that great, though I'm sure that I'll pick him up if he shows up in a cheaper set next year (hopefully with some hair, since his is so long). Particularly with the high price, this set is a no-go.
This one, on the other hand, actually looks pretty fun. The vehicle looks great; one of the best land speeders yet (compare to the Flash Speeder), and three Snowtroopers. I do think the Snowtroopers are too similar to the flame troopers - one of my initial complaints about this set was going to be that you could just get these guys in the Land Sub  set - but again that's and issue with the source material. Loving the Gatling guns on the side, and this one is a potential purchase.

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