In my last post - almost half a year ago! - I detailed the 1st wave of Force Awakens sets (hereafter: Ep7). I haven't been impressed with any of them enough to get over the sticker shock, so most likely they will not be purchased (though the FO TIE fighter is "on sale" for $55 at Amazon right now...sort of tempting).
Luckily, I was right about Lego releasing a cheaper set to get some popular characters in for the 2016 initial wave:
As you can see above, we have a nice, reasonably sized set that not only includes 2(!) FO Stormtroopers, but both Jedi Finn and Rilo Kiley! Not only that, but Ril- ok, fine, Kylo Ren is done right. I didn't care for how the minifig on the Command Shuttle set had a redundant mask beneath the helmet (I get how it works with the hood, but still). This time, he can show how Kylo really looks, with his face and hair. This also pretty well confirms that Adam Driver is Not Mark Hammil. Honestly, this set kind of sucks overall; I would have probably preferred another vehicle. Additionally, though this is guaranteed to be cheaper than the command shuttle, it'll probably still be $55 or some shit. If it is less than $40 I'll eat my hat. At the end of the day, it's the first Ep7 set that I'm pretty sure to buy.
This thing looks pretty damned cool, though! It's also guaranteed to be around $50, so without any priority characters for me (Leia is tempting, but not enough), it's a no-go.
I'll get this.
I'll get this too. More Stormtroopers = a good thing.
Hey! A way to get the new Snowtrooper without blowing $40! Also, the vehicle actually looks plausible, so that's a bonus.
Sam kind of deal here. Previously expensive trooper with a reasonably plausible vehicle. Yay!
I'm kind of obligated to get this, though it looks like I will have to mod the astromech socket to get R4 to fit all the way down. Kind of dumb since they got it right for Anakin's two Actis fighters. I still really wish they would release the Darth Vader version of this set.
This looks like the best of these action figure sets. The Stormtrooper is just too slick. Better looking than Cody, too.
Ren looks pretty neat here.
Phasma really just exists to remind me that they still need to release a good minifigure of her that actually has a face under the helmet.
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